jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Una traición - para 23 de diciembre, 2011 por Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

Una traición
para el 23 de diciembre del 2011

Caído, abandonado
Le dejó tirado
Al fuego enemigo

Un juramento olvidado
Una consciencia intranquila
Que busca exculpación
En acusación ajena.

Y así ante el tribunal de la cobardía
La sentencia de la inconsciencia.
Él, que tan fielmente le dejó servida
Muere en el cadalso de la desagradecida.

Antes, padre de su hija abnegado – sagrada relación
Ahora, de “traidor” tachado,
Sin piedad es ejecutado: 
¡Eso es traición!

por Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

"I'll take you there" (A Taiga), por Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

I'll take you there - To Taiga

There is a trail
Where only wolves can go
Where the hearts freed
From fear can know
I’ll take you there
Don’t be scared
Just run with me.

There is a wind
That only eagle’s glide
Where the spirits
Free to dream can ride
I’ll take you there
Don’t be scared
Just fly with me.

There is a deep
Where only orcas go
Where the minds
Of the free can know
I’ll take you there
Don’t be scared
Just dive with me. 

por Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

The noisy silence of my mind (circa 2002) por Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

The noisy silence of my mind

I listen to the silence of my mind,
and in sounds of prose and rhyme,
I hear the death –
the end of time –
as it assails all that is.

Faced with endless skies of infinite visions,
and limitless will to mountains climb.
Yet, death calls to the end of time.

I listen to the silence of my mind,
and in its sounds I do find
whispers of wisdoms yet to be known,
and of secrets to be shown only to me.

Dawn to dusk,
and at times into the twilight
I must stray.
Moment by moment,
day by day,
a lifetime won or lost.

I listen to the silence of my mind
and in the feelings therein I hold,
a future awaits –
if only bold I dare to become;
trappings and snares.

I listen to the silence of my mind
and in dreams of passionate embraces,
traces of forever leave heavy charges
of youth and visions;
A man’s choices and his decisions.

I listen to the silence of my mind
and hear the halting of the cooling heart,
and reason and discipline hold
what slowly falls apart in time.

And I know that one day
A butterfly I will become
And I shall cease 
The noisy silence of my mind.

por Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

A Isabel de Los Castillos, (2005) por Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

A Isabel de Los Castillos

Mujer aun sin apellido pero ya con historia
Conocía el ritmo y el sonido de sus palabras
Y en poco tiempo me lograron cautivar la imaginación.
Vi su cara, ya estática, ya escondida
Sentí que dentro de esa mirada desviada pero decidida
Existía una pasión deseando tener rama para posar.

Note sus ojos,  oscuros, callados,
Su sonrisa de retrato antiguo,
Y mis pensamientos, llenos de recuerdos
Y de posibles futuros se viraron en mil direcciones a la vez:
Cara de España, de Imperio
De ruinas romanas, de recuerdos.

Hable con ella, sí, y algo
Algo ya relegado en mí
Abrió puertas y soportales
De mi imaginación, de detalles de mi pasado:
Castillos y plazas,
Calles estrechas y terrazas
Corridas de toros, ¡Asturias y Andalucía!
Sombras, sol, y peleas de navajas.
¡La Sierra Guadarrama!

Tardes lentas y soleadas, naranjales,
¡Valencia! ¡Yaya!
El barrio de noche, besos escondidos y abrazos prohibidos
Portales, porteros, “¡que viene la policía!
Corriendo de los Civiles.
Villancicos, la Tuna,
Pipas, ancianas vestidas de negro,
El fuego del furor de mi alma, de mi alma sí,
Y del sol castellano que siempre arde en mí.

Don Quijote, ciudad de Cervantes,
Noches recónditas a las orillas del Henares
Hombres con boina jugando al tute
Horas lentas y pérdidas en los billares.
Partidos de fútbol en las calles
Niñas vestidas de uniformes que siempre exclamaban:
¡Que no!

De mi infancia, de mi juventud, de un tiempo y
De un lugar lejos y escondido ya de mí
De un tiempo que me pide vuelta
Que también me exige rama para posar
Y en solo unos momentos
Una vida, una historia llena de historia,  
Que quiere volver a vivir.
Esa parte de mi olvidada que comienzo a recordar

Su cara me trajo recuerdos de otros tiempos
De otra  edad, de otra vida, de una personalidad no desaparecida
De un universo de inocencia que se me fueron para siempre
Y de un alma que me pide a gritos que comparta los silencios de mi poesía.

por Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

Even as your friend, (circa 2000) by Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

Even as your friend

Even as your friend,
all I would want to do
is to care for the tender little girl
that I know sometimes weeps deep inside,
 and let her know that she is not alone,

Even as your friend,
all I would want is to do
is to help to heal the indelible scars
that ache from so many losses,
and holding you close to me,
show you that I am there for you
when you need to feel safe,

Even as your friend,
all I would want
is to see you happy and successful,
 holding your head up high
in confidence and pride,
and to be present at your side
at the sight of your dreams fulfilled;

Even as your friend,
all I would want
is to be the first one there
for you when you stumble,
and catching you, show you,
again and again,
that you can regain your stride;

Even as your friend,
all I would want
is is to reassure you
that you are enough
even when the challenges of life
amount to the tidal wave
that threaten to overwhelm you;

Even as your friend,
all I would want
is to encourage you to be your best
and to never settle for less
then what would make you happy to achieve,

Even as your friend,
all I would want
is to let you know
that when the darkness
is overcoming,
I am an everlasting light
that you can count on in your life.

Even as your friend,
I will always love you.

By Shodai Sennin J. A. Overton-Guerra

Away from that darkest hour - Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

Away from that darkest hour

In that endless night,
In that darkest hour,
When solitude is all around
Know, that I am yours
I’ll be found by you
With all my power
Always next to you,
In that darkest hour

In that time of your longest night
I’ll join the fight,
You have my power,
Reach out for me,
I’ll take you higher
Away, away, away
Away from that darkest hour!

In that endless night,
In that hopeless fight
Call for me,
Have no pride
For at your side I will be
You’ll have all the power          
From me that you need
In your longest night,
Cold and dire
As one we will fight,
You'll have my power
Turn to me;
I’ll shield you from the fire
Away, away, away,
Away from that darkest hour.

By Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

Julio's Lament, de "El Sendero de Julio Wolf", circa 1987, por Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

Julio's Lament, de "El Sendero de Julio Wolf"

Time . . .
awaits the final distance,
as the man with stoic resistance
has come to learn so well.

Light . . .
of a door that opens,
timidly in the darkness of the hall,
only to close;
of two eyes,
how bright!,
that shine alone,
together in the night over a candle;
of two swords,
see them glisten as they flash!,
impending doom,
of one,
the other . . .
of whom?

Space . . .
Of that which was brought together,
then apart,
finished start.
Even stars do travel.

Time, light, space . . . 
I do not pretend

to begin to comprehend
the when, the why, the where;
the beginning nor the end no one knows.

Loud and silent my treasure grows . . .

Circa 1987, por Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

There is a night, by Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

There is a night

There is a night, beyond time, beyond age
Where the mind of this sage can go
Where the moon and the stars only glow for lovers
If two hearts have such desire

There is a day, beyond space, beyond loss or pain
Where the heart of this man can go
Where the horizon of endless possibilities spreads its hope
If two souls have such desire

There is a dawn, beyond self and all others,
Where the soul of this warrior can go
Where such passion exists to wipe clean both past and sorrow
If two bodies have such desire

There is dusk, beyond today to the endless tomorrow
Where the dreams of this poet can go
If two dreamers dare dream that dream together 

by Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

To heal a dove by Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

To heal a dove

Of broken wings
From heartless slings
Crippled lays the dove
Through open skies
Away she one day flies
Healed by his selfless love

By Shodai Sennin J.A. Overton-Guerra

You know I would! - El Sendero de Julio Wolf (circa 2005) de Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra

You know I would!

If I could conjure up a magic
That would take away the tragic
Moments of two goodbyes
Would I?

If I could speak the perfect rhymes
That would lead into that heart
And continue the love we did start
Could I?

If I could sing a beautiful song
That would make forever
For you and I, 
together come along
Should I?

Tell me if you would
That you feel I should
For then, and only then
You know I could!

Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra